Quest chain cover to unlock the Highmountain Tauren
Hey good! How about life for Azeroth? Today we bring you the quest chain to unlock the Highmountain Tauren, belonging to the Horde. This article contains spoilers. Without further ado, to nougat!

Chain to unlock the Highmountain Tauren

With the arrival of Patch 7.3.5 and the recent release of the World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth pre-order, allied races have been added and, starting today, will be available to anyone who pre-orders. In this article we show you the chain of missions that we must carry out to unlock the Highmountain Tauren. Unlike the Nightborne one, this one does not consist of quests and the missions can be a bit longer.

As expected, unlocking does not consist of just one chain but will require having some Legion chains completed. The requirements to unlock this chain are:

When we have these requirements, as soon as we enter the game, the first thing that will appear will be a mission that will redirect us to Orgrimmar, where we will begin with this short chain.

orgrimmar map allied races horde

As we can see, we must deliver the mission in the new structure located in the goblin area of ​​the main city of the orcs.

start of nightborne quest chain

Once we have listened to the conversation between the leaders, we will have to talk to Baine Bloodhoof y Lady liadrin, solely to see the qualities, traits and 3D model of both allied races.

highmountain tauren preview

As we want to place the chains separately and in this article we are talking about the Highmountain Tauren, here we leave you the preview, the requirements and the racial abilities:

  • Horned Lunge - Charge forward and knock down enemies.
  • Ranger: Increases versatility.
  • Iron Horn Pride: Increases mining speed and skill.
  • Coarse Tenacity: Reduces the damage of incoming attacks.
  • Whoever saves, always has: Probability of collecting more meat and fish.

When we have spoken with both leaders, we will speak with Lady Sylvanas Windrunner to choose which of the two allied races we will choose. In this case, we will choose the Highmountain Tauren (not for that reason we are doing this article). As with artifact weapons, the quest chain is chosen in the same way.

choice allied races horde

We select the Highmountain Tauren and a conversation will begin that will last just a few seconds. This conversation will redirect us to Thunder Bluff, hometown of the Taurens.

mission baine to go to the top of thunder

There we will meet Baine Bloodhoof, the leader of the Tauren and an important character in this chain. This will give us a mission that will put us directly into action.

mission baine top of thunder attack

The stage will be enveloped in shadows and spawns and tentacles will appear in the city.

tauren high mountain shadows

These monsters do not have any special ability but we will have to be careful with the tentacles as they make a sweep that could throw us out of the city. In my case, there was a tentacle on the edge and I can't think of anything else than to stand outwards. When he did the sweep he had no way to save me and I flew out of the city until I hit the ground ... Do not do the same as me.

mission kill boss mount high allied race mission

This boss doesn't have any unusual abilities, he's just a monster with high health. Just any boss, no more.

chief allied race tauren highmountain

When we defeat him, we will have to return to Baine to deliver and collect the next mission that Monte Alto will send us.

high mount missions allied race

Upon arrival, we will go down to the lower floor of Thunder Totem. There it will be waiting for us Skywalker Spiritwalker, NPC that will give us the next mission.

mission 2 high mountain allied race

For the next mission, we will have to interact with the vessel that is in front of the NPC and we will transform ourselves into a drogbar with two very powerful abilities, a jump that deletes and an attack that also kills in one hit. We will only have to kill a couple of enemies and we will be done.

mission 3 high mountain allied race

When we have finished this mission, we will go inside the cave and, on the second floor, we will find the shelter we are looking for. We will simply approach it and click on it. Then, we will be teleported to the outside of the cave.

mission 4 high mountain allied race

The next mission will send us northeast of Monte Alto. When we arrive, we simply deliver and the mission they will give us will be to interact with a vessel that is in front of us, right next to the NPC that gives us the mission.

mission 5 high mountain allied race

mission vessel 5 high mountain allied race

When we interact with it, it will happen to us again as with the previous mission and we will be transformed again, but this time, into a ghost of Highmountain with a bow and two other very powerful abilities.

mission 6 transformation high mountain allied race

For this mission we will do the same as the previous one. We will kill a couple of ghosts and go inside the cave to kill the little "boss".

mission 6 high mountain chief allied race

When we defeat it, let's not go very far since, in the same room as this monster, there will be the shelter with which we will have to interact to complete the mission and, obviously, leave that place.

mission 6 high mountain allied race

When leaving, we can deliver the mission with the NPC that we have next to us and, later, we will have to move again to go to another place where we will have to carry out the same process that we have done so far.

mission 7 high mountain allied race

Picking up the next mission, we will head south of where we are, more or less where the destroyed entrance to Neltharion's Lair is located.

mission 8 allied race high mountain

To carry out this mission, we will interact again with the vessel that, in this case, is holding the Spiritwalker in its arms.

mission 8 high mountain allied race

On this occasion, we will be transformed, once again, into the Huln that we had already played a couple of times. The skills are the same so we will have no problem remembering them. He simply has a dash, a continuous slash, and a throwing spear (* badun tss *)) to get close to the enemy.

All we have to do is kill a couple of scavengers that are in the area.

mission 8 monsters allied race high mountain

We will also have to kill the "boss" of the area that is on the rise to the mountain. It does not have any important skills so you will not have to have any problems.

Once we finish with these monsters, we will go to the upper part of the area, right where a small cabin is located. There we will find the third reservation.

mission 8 high mountain allied race 2

Once we have taken the shelter, we will be teleported, once again, to the side of the NPC who mainly gave us the mission.

mission 9 allied race high mountain

This new mission will redirect us, again, to the main area of ​​Thunder Totem, along with the other leaders of the area.

mission 10 allied race high mountain

This will be the last mission with which we will have to change the environment before returning to Orgrimmar to claim our new allied race. As one of the least used areas in Legion, we will have to go to the top of the mountain.

mission 11 high mountain allied race

Once we have arrived and delivered the mission, we will have to collect two more that will simply be to kill and collect loot from the enemies that are in this place.

kill allied race high mountain mission 11

collect allied race high mountain mission 11

When we finish both missions, Baine will be waiting for us at the entrance of a frozen cave.

mission 12 allied race high mountain

We will deliver the missions and collect the one you offer us. Then it will break the ice that is in the entrance and we can collect the last guard of the chain.

mission 13 allied race high mountain

The shelter is at the end of the cave, it has no loss since it is completely straight. You will be protected by two guards. Clean them up and collect the receipt.

guard mission 13 allied race high mountain

This one, unlike the other three, will not teleport us but will allow us to deliver the mission to the NPC that will appear behind us.

mission 14 high mountain allied race

For the next mission, the stage will darken, outside the cave, and a boss will appear that we must defeat.

Mission 15 High Mountain Chief Allied Race

It does not have any special faculties so we will not have to worry.

mission chief 15 high mountain allied race

Once we defeat him, we can deliver the mission, both leaders will go to an area a little higher than the place where all the assembled combatants are. There we will end the chain as they will send us to Orgrimmar to report to our war chief Sylvanas.

end chain allied race high mountain

Once we collect it, we can return to Orgrimmar to receive our mount and the unlock of the Highmountain Tauren.

Once we arrive and deliver the mission, we can enjoy a little conversation between the leaders. And everything will be done!

Allied race highmountain saddle

As you have seen, the chain does not have any kind of difficulty, although, in this case, it is a bit long. Still, we hope this guide has entertained you (at least) and we are looking forward to reading the answers to the following questions:

  • What race have you chosen to get on in the first place? Did you use the level 110 instant currency?
  • What do you think of the allied race Tauren Highmountain?
  • Do you think he has good racial faculties?

Have fun with this new breed and, as always, I say goodbye and see you in the next article. A big (> ^. ^)> Hug <(^. ^ <)!