What todo When a Guy Askfor Your Number Funny

I've never really had a relationship with a guy so I'm not sure how I would go about this when I'm ready.

Say you were going somewhere and a decent looking guy stopped you to chat you up or something and then asked for your number. Would you give it to them straight away or not? I was told that giving it away so easily would make you could make you come across as "cheap" or "easy to get" and I wouldn't want that. I've heard some men say that they've been "chasing a girl" for up to 3 months before she finally agreed to giving her number or going out on a date.

So ladies, how do you go about it in this sort of situation? Do you do it or not?

A couple of weeks ago someone put their number on TSR. :eek:

I asked a girls number the other day, she didint hesitate to give it to me I think shes into me

(Original post by meenu89)
A couple of weeks ago someone put their number on TSR. :eek:

07920427689 bbz, jus ask yea?

In all seriousness though 3 months is way too much..just give him your number lol, like someone said, it's only a number. Not like you're gonna sleep with him afterwards, is it?

I usually give it to them if I like them cos hey, I want them to text me! If I don't like them I'll either say my phone's broke or tell them to add me on facebook and just don't accept

Just spill a little white lie, " my phones broke, but add me on facebook if you like? Just search for (Name), when you see a picture of (describe) thats me" with a little "it was really nice speaking to you" when you part (:

Works everytime xxxx

Well how else would you talk to eachother??

3 months is rediculous. I do like the 'this is my name, its on my facebook' answer.

(Original post by vicky_1234)
I usually give it to them if I like them cos hey, I want them to text me! If I don't like them I'll either say my phone's broke or tell them to add me on facebook and just don't accept

Is that what most girls do? I allways thought they give you their number just to be nice, doesnt really mean they into to you, does it?

(Original post by Swimmer)
Is that what most girls do? I allways thought they give you their number just to be nice, doesnt really mean they into to you, does it?

I don't know if it's what ALL girls do like. Sometimes I have gave my number to I guy I didn't like but I make it pretty obvious in my texts that I'm not interested and they get the picture. But yeah in general I only give my number to guys I actually want to text me

(Original post by vicky_1234)
I don't know if it's what ALL girls do like. Sometimes I have gave my number to I guy I didn't like but I make it pretty obvious in my texts that I'm not interested and they get the picture. But yeah in general I only give my number to guys I actually want to text me

One more question, so say you was interested in the guy and stuff how often would you want him to text you??

(Original post by Swimmer)
One more question, so say you was interested in the guy and stuff how often would you want him to text you??

I'm not really the person to ask this, I am a texting FIEND. When I like a guy I want a good morning text all the way through to a goodnight text :')
I am a crazy texter though so I'm not the best person to ask, maybe some other girls can give their views?

(Original post by vicky_1234)
I'm not really the person to ask this, I am a texting FIEND. When I like a guy I want a good morning text all the way through to a goodnight text :')
I am a crazy texter though so I'm not the best person to ask, maybe some other girls can give their views?

Fair enough

(Original post by vicky_1234)
I usually give it to them if I like them cos hey, I want them to text me! If I don't like them I'll either say my phone's broke or tell them to add me on facebook and just don't accept

Lol, that made me laugh.

*****es get a slap if they don't give me it. Lol jk I've never asked for a girls number...

(Original post by Anonymous)
I've never really had a relationship with a guy so I'm not sure how I would go about this when I'm ready.

Say you were going somewhere and a decent looking guy stopped you to chat you up or something and then asked for your number. Would you give it to them straight away or not? I was told that giving it away so easily would make you could make you come across as "cheap" or "easy to get" and I wouldn't want that. I've heard some men say that they've been "chasing a girl" for up to 3 months before she finally agreed to giving her number or going out on a date.

So ladies, how do you go about it in this sort of situation? Do you do it or not?

I give my number, sometimes a fake one if they're a creep. Doesn't mean I'm going to go out with them.

(Original post by .Ali.)
I give my number. Doesn't mean I'm going to go out with them.

You just want attention

(Original post by Anonymous)
I've never really had a relationship with a guy so I'm not sure how I would go about this when I'm ready.

Say you were going somewhere and a decent looking guy stopped you to chat you up or something and then asked for your number. Would you give it to them straight away or not? I was told that giving it away so easily would make you could make you come across as "cheap" or "easy to get" and I wouldn't want that. I've heard some men say that they've been "chasing a girl" for up to 3 months before she finally agreed to giving her number or going out on a date.

So ladies, how do you go about it in this sort of situation? Do you do it or not?

give them your number if you like them, simple! otherwise you may lose your chance with them as you may not see them again or they may not ask again

I never got all this fake number, broken phone crap. I'd sure as hell prefer a "No, I'm not interested" than being actively lied to.


Source: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1610721

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